Slavodelic podcast 20 – USSR


This week we’re gonna go through the USSR. The USSR was one of the last old school empires, which was composed of other nations that were first conquered by the Tsars then taken over by the Dictators of the Proletariat. So the Soviet Union was a pretty diverse place going from Baltic counties, to the Stans, with a little outer Mongolia thrown in the mix. Anyway I’ll try and represent just a little of diversity that was the USSR. The government also seemed to keep a tight lid on what sort of music was made. Not a lot of psych, or experimental, or protest songs going on here. But I can’t help but feel there might have been some steroid driven Soviet plan to take over the rock music industry by using synthetically enhanced operatic metal screams and guitar solos to finally spread the revolution to the world. phew… we were this close, this close.


1)  Labrīt, putra – NSRD
2)  Kaapeec Tu Mani Negribi – Dzeltenie Pastnieki
3)  Track05 – NSRD
4)  Triisi, triisi sikspaarniiti – Dzeltenie Pastnieki
5)  Песня шута – Александр Градский
6)  Бездна – Ðîññèÿíå
7)  Ты меня оставил – Александр Градский
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9)  Makheuri Sakortsilo – Kereoni
10)  Puhates pead – Kogudus
11)  Julgus- Väntorel
12)  Pasvarstyk, antela – Kertukai
13)  Barinende sen sulu – Дос-Мукасан
14)  Smeklos – Eglutes
15)  Sipelgad – Kristallid
16)  Naer – Virmalised
17)  Kui ainult kord – Kristallid
18)  Артист поет – Mink
19)  I’ll be back – Emil Laansoo
20)  О чем плачут гитары – Голубые гитары
21)  Vocalise – Clara Rockmore
22)  7th December 1988 – Djivan Gasparyan

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